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hacker2022-10-08 12:30:18国际足球108


“美容医院” 英语怎么翻译啊?

最常听说和见到美容整形医院的英语单词的是 beauty salon or beauty parlor.

问一下 所有有关医院的英语单词

hospital 医院

hospital for infectious diseases 传染病医院

childrens hospital 儿童医院

obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院

tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院

stomatological hospital 口腔医院

army hospital 陆军医院

field hospital 野战医院

hospital of chinese medicine 中医医院

tumor hospita 肿瘤医院

general hospital 综合性医院

mental hospital 精神病院

hospital for lepers;leprosarium 麻风病院

sanatorium 疗养院

clinic 诊疗所

first-aid station 急救站

quarantine station 防疫站


medical science; medical service;medicine 医学

medical book 医书

medical skill;art of healing 医术

medical matters 医务

clinic 医务所

medical science;medicine 医学

forensic medicine;legal medicine 法医学

preclinical medicine 基础医学

preventive medicine 预防医学

Doctor of Medicine 医学博士

academy of medical sciences 医学科学院

medical literature 医学文献

Bachelor of Medicine 医学学士

medical heritage 医学遗产

college of medicine 医学院

medical witness 医学证人

medicine 医药

general medical knowledge 医药常识

medical expenses 医药费

medical kit;medicine chest 药箱

first-aid kit 急救药箱

property of a medicine 药性

pharmaceutical college 药学院

dipping vat 药浴池

medicated soap 药皂

drug rash;drug eruption 药疹

assistant pharmacy 药剂士

pharmaceutics;pharmacy 药剂学

medicinal liquor 药酒

pharmacology 药理学

efficacy of a drug 药力

absorbent cotton 药棉


doctor;physician 医生

medical officer;surgeon 军医

cure;treat 医治

cure sb of his illness 医好某人的病

give sb medical treatment 给某人医病

take stopgap measures 头痛医头,脚痛医脚

stillknowledgeof a doctor:医道

medical ethics 医德

medical courses in general; medicine 医科

principles of medical science; medical knowledge 医理

medical treatment 医疗

public health services 公费医疗

medical team 医疗队

medical establishment 医疗机构

medicament; drug 药剂

pharmacist; druggist 药剂师

unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment; malpractice 医疗事故

malpractice insurance 医疗事故保险

medico-athletics 医疗体育

medical and health work 医疗卫生工作

medical station; health center 医疗站

obstetrician 产科医生

pediatrician 儿科医生

ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor 耳鼻喉科医生

radiologist 放射科医生

gynecologist 妇科医生

orthopedist 骨科医生

urologist 泌尿科医生

physician 内科医生

dermatologist 皮肤科医生

intern 实习医生

surgeon 外科医生

dentist;dental surgeon 牙科医生

oculist;eye-doctor 眼科医生

plastic surgeon 整形外科医生

oncologist 肿瘤科医生

doctor in charge 主治医生

resident doctor 住院医生


medicine;drug;remedy 药

sleeping pill 安眠药

contraceptive drugs 避孕药

tonic 补药

a medicine for colds 感冒药

expectorant 化痰药

anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fighting drugs 抗癌药

anti-tuberculous drug 抗结核药

oral contraceptive;pill 口服避孕药

good medicine;a good remedy 良药

laxative 轻泻药

antipyretic 退热药

for oral administration 内服药

specific medicine;specific 特效药

for external use 外用药

preventive medicine;prophylactic 预防药

sedative 镇静药

take medicine 服药

change dressings 换药

decoct herbal medicine 煎药

fill a prescription 配药

have a prescription made up(filled) (患者)抓药

medicinal materials;crude drugs 药材

medicinal herbs 药草

tablet 药片

medicines and chemical reagents 药品

medicine bottle 药瓶

remedies 药石

liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 药水

lotion 洗液

pill 药丸

bolus 大药丸

herbal medicines in a prescription 药味(中药方中的药)

flavor of a drug 药味(药的味道或气味)

medicines;pharmaceuticals;medicaments 药物

heal with drugs 药物医治

drug allergy 药物过敏

materia medica 药物学

drug poisoning 药物中毒

(medicinal)powder 药粉

ointment;salve 药膏

apply a plaster 上药膏


medical department; department of internal medicine 内科

surgical deparment;department of surgery 外科

pediatrics department 小儿科

obstetrics and gynecology department 妇产科

ophtalmology department 眼科

dental department 牙科

ENT(ear-nose-throat)department 耳鼻喉科

urology department 泌尿科

dermatology department; skin department 皮肤科

orthopedic surgery department 矫形外科

traumatology department 创伤外科

plastic surgery 整形外科

anesthesiology department 麻醉科

pathology department 病理科

cardiology department 心脏病科

psychiatry department 精神病科

orthopedics department 骨科

department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科

department of cerebral surgery 胸外科

neurology department 神经科

neurosurgery department 神经外科

thoracic surgery department 脑外科

department of traditional Chinese medicine 中医科

registration office 挂号处

out-patient department 门诊部

in-patient department 住院部

nursing department 护理部

consulting room 诊室

waiting room 候诊室

emergency room 急诊室

admitting office 住院处

operation room 手术室

X-ray department 放射科

blood bank 血库

dispensary; pharmacy 药房

ward 病房

laboratory 化验室


1、整形:cosmetic surgery、plastic surgery、face lift、face lifting、plastic

2、美容:beauty-making、cosmetic treatments、improve one's looks、cosmetology、made up

一、cosmetic surgery

读音:英 [kɒzˈmetɪk ˈsɜːdʒəri]   美 [kɑːzˈmetɪk ˈsɜːrdʒəri] 



She had suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest as she was being anesthetized for the cosmetic surgery, it said.


二、plastic surgery

读音:英 [ˌplæstɪk ˈsɜːdʒəri]   美 [ˌplæstɪk ˈsɜːrdʒəri] 



It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.


三、face lift

读音:英 [feɪs lɪft]   美 [feɪs lɪft] 



Mac, you know what? Connie's going to get a face lift.



读音:英 [ˌkɒzmɪˈtɒlədʒi]   美 [ˌkɑzməˈtɑlədʒi] 



Then apply CHRMultiFunction cosmetology therapy apparatus to conduct electrocautery to scar which cannot be excised by operation.


五、made up

读音:英 [ˈmeɪd ʌp]   美 [ˈmeɪd ʌp] 



When you have made up your mind, pick on a day when you will not be under much stress




  • 夙世南戈(2022-10-08 16:04:47)回复取消回复

    is hospital 结核病医院 stomatological hospital 口腔医院 army hospital 陆军医院 field hospital 野战医院 hospital of chinese medicine 中医医院 tumor h

  • 断渊南忆(2022-10-08 16:13:31)回复取消回复

    eeping pill 安眠药 contraceptive drugs 避孕药 tonic 补药 a medicine for colds 感冒药 expectorant 化痰药 anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fightin

  • 听弧猫爷(2022-10-08 21:44:53)回复取消回复

    courses in general; medicine 医科 principles of medical science; medical knowledge 医理 medical treatment 医疗 public health services 公费医疗

  • 囤梦眼趣(2022-10-08 23:26:55)回复取消回复

    ine 药性 pharmaceutical college 药学院 dipping vat 药浴池 medicated soap 药皂 drug rash;drug eruption 药疹 ass

  • 纵遇忆囚(2022-10-08 22:38:41)回复取消回复

    t 心脏病科 psychiatry department 精神病科 orthopedics department 骨科 department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科 department of cerebral surge