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Mike will made it是谁
mike will made-it是一个美国嘻哈唱片制作人的名字。威廉姆斯米迦勒(生于1989年3月23日),专业称为麦克风将使它或麦克风,是一个美国唱片制作人从亚特兰大,佐治亚州。他制造陷阱拍几个南部嘻哈艺术家而闻名和也产生的单曲“怜悯”的好音乐,"No Lie" by 2 Chainz, "Bandz A Make Her Dance" by Juicy J, "Pour It Up" by Rihanna, "Love Me" by Lil Wayne, "Body Party" by Ciara and "We Can't Stop,他已经发布了三mixtapes,计划推出他的首张专辑EST。
可以直接Wiki上找 Mike Will Made It production discography
23(Clean Version)
Mike Will Made It
Mike Will Made It
Drinks On Us
Drinks On Us
Mike Will Made It
Whats Next Outro
Mike Will Made It
Take A Picture
Mike Will Made It
Someone To Love
Mike Will Made It
Whippin A Brick
Mike Will Made It
California Rari
Mike Will Made It
Mike Will Made It
Fightin Words
Mike Will Made It
That Got Damn (Freestyle)
Mike Will Made It
Choppin Blades
Mike Will Made It
Money Long
Mike Will Made It
Mike Will Made It
Game For A Lame
Mike Will Made It
Drinks On Us
Mike Will Made It
Fuck U Expect
Mike Will Made It
Mike Will Made It
Hasta Lauego
Mike Will Made It
In My Hands
暮光之城中男主角 爱德华 的资料
英文全名:Robert Thomas Pattinson
港译:罗拔派迪臣 鞋号:10号 胸围:36英寸 领口:14英寸 头发的颜色:褐金色 眼睛的颜色:蓝灰色 女友:克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)(暮光之城女主角贝拉) 擅长的乐器:钢琴、吉GoRansom源码他 喜欢的运动:足球、溜冰、橄榄球 喜欢的演员:杰克·尼科尔森 喜欢的乐队:Tokio Hotel (东京旅馆) 喜欢的动物:狗狗(他们家的狗狗叫Patty,他最喜欢他的狗了) 圈中好友:Tom Sturridge,Bobby Long,Marcus Foster,Sam Bradly 家族成员:父亲、母亲和两个姐姐,一个叫Victoria(27岁)广告制作,另一个是Lizzy(25岁)创作歌手。 (补充一下ROB小的时候是在巴恩斯利长大的) 出道经历 1986年出生于英国伦敦的Robert,母亲任职于模特经纪公司,父亲则从事进口美国中古车(二手车)的生意。Robert4岁开始就读于塔尔豪斯私立男校,12岁转入知名的哈罗迪恩私立学校就读。Robert12岁开始当模特,15岁时加入了Barnes Theatre Company,并开始了业余性的演艺工作,在Barnes Theatre Club里演出某些角色。
而他第一个屏幕角色出现在电影《Ring of the Nibelungs(尼伯龙根的指环)》里。随后也参与了《Vanity Fair(名利场)》里的演出,不过基于剧情考量,该电影最后上映时,Robert的戏份被删除了,但在DVD版本中依然看得到他被删剪的演出。 Robert也是《哈利·波特与火焰杯》导演Mike Newell 在为塞德里克·迪戈里一角挑选演员时面试的第一位人选,对于他“典型的轮廓鲜明的英国寄宿学校的学生”的外貌留下深刻印象,称赞他有着“人们对于霍格沃茨的学生期望中的一切”,尽管如此Robert本人承认他在生活中完全没有塞德里克那般领袖的一面。虽然在哈剧中被早早赐死,瞩目度也并不如其他哈剧演员们来得高,但带着浓厚欧洲贵族气息又有着俊美外表的Robert,依然被时人杂志喻为“裘德·洛接班人”。然而,让Robert真正尝到走红滋味的演出,则是在2008年卖座的浪漫奇幻电影《暮光之城》中,饰演神秘迷人又邪气俊美的吸血鬼——爱德华·卡伦(Edward cullen)。 当初《暮光之城》选角时,女主角早已定案由克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)担纲,但男主角却迟迟未定案。这时Robert也为此特地由英赴美,在《暮光之城》导演凯瑟琳·哈德威克(Catherine Hardwicke)家参与试镜,并从五千名优秀演员中脱颖而出,获得爱德华·卡伦一角。 克里斯汀受访时曾表示,试镜时安排他俩演出亲密床戏,她在演出中感觉到了化学反应与无比的契合。而导演凯瑟琳也表示,当她看到Robert的演出时,心想“就是他了!集邪气俊美的吸血鬼气质与外在于一身的男主角出现了!他的出现,将会将少女心目中的幻想成真,理想中的俊美吸血鬼!” 如今Robert已摇身一变成为风靡全球少女的英俊男演员,但他曾于受访时提到,杰克尼克尔森为他戏剧表演上的指标。他期许自己能成为和他一样的全方位演技派,而非靠着一张漂亮脸皮掳获观众的少女偶像。 除了演员这个身份之外,自幼学琴的Robert也是位优秀的音乐家,他四岁开始学钢琴,五岁开始学习古典吉他,出道前曾在家乡组过乐团,并在餐厅与俱乐部等地有过演出。而Robert的姐姐Lizzy Pattinson也是位杰出的创作歌手,曾跟乐队Aurora登上十大跳舞歌曲的榜首。 此外,Robert还是位热爱运动的人,从足球田径到滑雪或是雪上滑板等,皆是他喜爱从事并精通的运动。但有趣的是,他似乎对棒球不太在行,也因此拍摄电影《暮光之城》,因不清楚棒球规则。在卡伦家棒球比赛那场戏里闹了不少笑话。
2008年 凭借电影《暮光之城》造就的知名度,Robert在2008年时获选了:01. 二十五位二十五岁以下最红男演员
02. 雅虎最令人心动电影明星
03. 《滚石杂志》最红男演员
04. 电视节目《Entertainment Tonight》票选最英俊性感男人
05. LA《时代杂志》最突破明星
2009年 01.《人物》杂志最性感男星前十 02..英国版《GQ》[1]杂志09最佳衣着男士 03.著名网站Interview列出的“十年来20位最美的人”之一 04.世界最权威的电影库IMDB评出了2009年度明星TOP25,Robert排行第一 05.Robert是美国的营销公司Zeta Interactive评出的2009年10大最佳好评名人之一 06.美国《OK》杂志09全球最美丽人士[2] 06.英国权威电影杂志《帝国》票选百位性感影星,Robert排行第二[3] 07.美国著名杂志《名利场》票选全世界最英俊男人,Robert荣获“全世界最英俊男人”的光荣称号 08.MTV2009年度性感男人排行榜第一名 09.《人物》杂志评出的09年全球最美丽人士之一 10.英国杂志《Glamour》全球性感男士的评选中,Robert获得全球最性感男士的称号 2010年 01.著名网站mailonline列出的“100位重要的英国名人”中,Robert排行第六 02.著名杂志《GQ》列出的“过去的五十年最有型的五十位型男”之一 03.在由Orange Digital Media Index发布的“手机用户最多搜索的名人”榜单中,罗伯特排行第三 04.美国杂志《who》杂志评出的“全球最美丽的25个人”之一 05.英国杂志《Glamour》年度最佳着装男士 06.《星期日泰晤士报》英国三十岁以下的年轻富豪榜中排在第14位 07.《人物》杂志评出的2010年全球最美丽人士之一 08. 美国《时代周刊》公布的100位“全球最具影响力”人物之一 09.《GQ》杂志全球十大酷男排行榜,Rob排名第二。屈居英国哈里王子之后 10.《福布斯》2010年度全球百大名人榜排第50位
2008年 01. Hollywood 电影节“New Hollywood 奖” 02. 凭电影《How To Be》获法国斯特拉斯堡电影节“最佳男演员奖” 2009年 03.2009MTV电影 : 最佳突破性男演员:罗伯特·帕丁森 2009最佳电影:《暮光之城》 MTV最佳打斗奖:《暮光之城》与凯姆·吉甘戴 04.TCA 青少年选择奖: 最佳爱情:《暮光之城》 最佳剧情:《暮光之城》 最热门男星:罗伯特·帕丁森 最佳剧情类男演员:罗伯特·帕丁森罗伯特与斯图尔特出演《暮光之城》最佳亲吻:《暮光之城:暮色》与克里斯汀·斯图尔特
2010年 01.36届美国人民选择奖: 提名最受欢迎男影星 最受欢迎银幕团队奖 《暮光之城·新月》与克里斯汀·斯图尔特和泰勒·洛特纳 02.由其主演的独立影片 《少许灰烬》(Little Ashes)获得了GLAAD传媒大奖的限制放映类影片杰出电影奖 03.由其主演的电影 《暮光之城·新月》获得美国ShoWest电影产业博览会的影迷选择奖 04.俄罗斯Georges奖最佳海外男演员奖 05.由其主演的独立影片 Rob获MTV全球巨星奖及最佳男演员《少许灰烬》(Little Ashes)获得了意大利电影节大奖 06.英国国家电影奖(NMA) 最佳主演:罗伯特·帕丁森 最佳科幻片:《暮光之城2:新月》 最令人期待电影:《暮光之城3:月食》 07.MTV电影大奖 最佳影片:《暮光之城2:新月》 最佳男演员::罗伯特·帕丁森 最佳接吻:与克里斯汀-斯图尔特,《暮光之城2:新月》 全球巨星奖:罗伯特·帕丁森
★ 2011 Rob在《大象的眼泪》的造型Breaking dawn (暮光之城4:破晓) 饰 Edward Cullen Water for Elephants(大象的眼泪) 饰 Jacob Unbound Captives (解放的囚徒) 饰 Phineas ★ 2010 Bel Ami (漂亮朋友)饰 George Duroy Eclipse (暮光之城3:月食) 饰 Edward Cullen Remember me (记住我)饰 Tylor Hawkins ★2009 New Moon (暮光之城2:新月)饰 Edward Cullen ★2008 Little Ashes (少许灰烬) 饰 Salvador Dalí 《漂亮朋友》剧照Twilight (暮光之城:暮色)饰 Edward Cullen The Summer House 饰 Richard How To Be (如何生活) 饰 Art ★2007 The Bad Mother's Handbook(坏妈妈手册)饰 Daniel Gale Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (哈利波特与凤凰社) 饰 Cedric Diggory ★2006 The Haunted Airman(迷魂飞行员)饰 Toby Jugg ★2005 《Eclipse》剧照Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (哈利·波特与火焰杯)饰 Cedric Diggory ★2004 Vanity Fair (名利场/浮华新世界)饰 Older Rawdy Crawley Ring of the Nibelungs (尼伯龙根的指环/魔戒传奇)饰 Giselher
Remember me (记住我)
《Never think》——《暮光之城》原声 《Let me sign》——《暮光之城》原声 《To Roam》 《stray dog》 《In Your Head》 《I'll be your Lover too》 《I was broken》 《i don't mind》 《Doin' Fine》——《how to be》原声 《Chokin' On The Dust Part 1》——《how to be》原声 《Chokin' On The Dust Part 2》——《how to be 》原声
因罗伯特·帕丁森视觉传奇扮演《暮光之城》中的吸血鬼男孩爱德华·卡伦,演员罗伯特·帕丁森成为了全球炙手可热的男星。近日,传记《罗伯特·帕丁森视觉传奇》推出中文简体版。该书披露了他是如何在5000多名试镜者中脱颖而出、从而获得吸血鬼男孩这个角色的。 根据《暮色》改编好莱坞青春爱情大片在国内热潮未消之际,一本图文并茂的有关该片男主角的写真集《罗伯特·帕丁森视觉传奇》近日推出作为送给“暮粉”的新年礼物,同时,《新月电影完全指南》已出版。 做为当今全球炙手可热的演员罗伯特·帕丁森的个人传记,《罗伯特·帕丁森视觉传奇》收录大量珍奇照片,包括抓拍照片、电影剧照和珍藏图片。书里记录了罗伯特在巴恩斯的童年时光,他初次涉足舞台演出的经历和早期的电视剧角色。他对艺术和音乐的热情,他对一夜成名的感受,以及他对未来的规划。同时,本书还详细介绍了帕丁森拍摄《暮色》的诸多内幕故事:从筹备过程到幕后 花絮等.
吸血王子的诱惑天才,俊美,罗伯特·帕丁森赢得了数以百万计的影迷。 这是一本全方位描写他成长的传记,大家可以了解到罗伯特伦敦时候童年的一切,还有他的传奇教育经历,以及他在巴恩斯剧团早期的成功,他的模特生涯和目前的明星身份。 这是一次与罗伯特亲密接触的机会,通过这本书你可以了解到他的灵性、智慧和野心,以及其他角色的内幕。其中包括《暮光之城》和《哈利波特》有关的一切,他是如何得到角色,如何演,与女主的关系如何,绯闻等等内幕消息。书中还收录了一系列罗伯特的珍贵照片,值得读者收藏和纪念。
美国蜡像馆英国蜡像馆因《暮光之城》系列电影,罗伯特帕丁森成为世界影坛的超级偶像,他的粉丝也遍布世界各地,因其超高的人气获得了伦敦杜莎夫人蜡像馆的邀请定制蜡像。罗伯特帕丁森的这个蜡像造价高达15万英镑,花了4个月的时间才完工。蜡像于英国当地时间2010年3月25日在伦敦杜莎夫人蜡像馆揭幕。蜡像揭幕当天,吸引数百名粉丝的围观和尖叫,除伦敦外,美国纽约的杜莎夫人蜡像分馆,也将为罗伯特帕丁森设立蜡像。 蜡像展出时,常常被粉丝摸的磨损严重,使工作人员不得不准备备用。
《时代》中有一篇文章,列举了在国际影坛的认知中年轻及新进的英国演员谁会成为未来之星,在已哈利波特时期的塞德里克上映的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中扮演塞德里克·迪戈里的年轻演员 Robert Pattinson名列其中。这篇文章说:没有什么演艺经验的Robert Pattinson 击败了许多其他的演员,赢得了《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中的塞德里克·迪戈里一角——他是霍格沃兹魔法学校中赫奇帕奇学院的级长,还是个多才多艺的好小伙。在此之前他仅有的荧幕经验是出演去年在美国上映的电视电影《Sword of Xanten》。这位年轻、上镜、散发出迷人魅力的18岁的演员倍受选角导演喜爱,他们认为他必将有很棒的未来。尽管他的开始是借助于哈利·波特。
个人语录 ROBNever Had the Personality to Fit “I’m so surprised it’s [status as a sex symbol] worked out that way. I was just thinking the whole time that I’ve never had the personality to fit into that. I’m not really afraid of it, because I don’t even know how to play up that aspect.” 没有符合的特征 “我很惊讶那是怎么发生的(ROB作为性感的标志)。我只是在想我从来都没有符 合性感二字的特征。但对此我并不感到害怕,因为我甚至都不知道应该怎样朝性感那方面努力。” Randomly Appeal to Me “I don’t know, just scripts randomly appeal to me. I’m not looking specifically at any genre.” 单纯对我产生吸引力 “我不知道,只是剧本单纯吸引着我。我并没有特别去看到底什么体裁。” I Really Don’t “I suppose I should understand it [fame] better by this point, but I really don’t.” 我真的不明白 “我原以为到现在我应该能够明白‘名声’二字的含义,但是我真的还没明白。” I Look Scared All the Time “I’m just scared of crowds. I just think people require things of me whenever there’s a screaming crowd, and I always think I won’t be able to provide what they want, so that’s why I look scared all the time.” 我总是看上去很惊慌 “我只是很害怕人群。我只是觉得无论什么时候当人群尖叫他们是在向你要求什么东西,而我总是觉得我并不能给他们所想要的,所以那也正是我为什么总是看上去很惊慌的原因。” Fan Mail “I go through fan mail myself, but I think I might get them censored, because I’m always expecting to get the one thing that says, ‘I know where you live and I’m going to kill you!’ I’m always expecting that to come, but it never seems to arrive. I never get any negative mail, so someone must be censoring them.” 影迷来信 “我亲自查收影迷的来信,但是我想我也许在审查什么,因为我总在期待能够收到这样一封信写着‘我知道你住在哪我要杀了你!’我总在期待这封信能够到来但似乎并没有。我从没收到任何对我有质疑的信,所以那也意味着有人一定也在审查着我。”
Robert的fans应该知道的7件事情 1、他的粉丝喜欢叫他Rpattz,但是你知道罗伯特-帕丁森告诉《MTV新闻》,他希望他的名字是什么吗GoRansom源码? 答案:Spunk Ransom (但从字面解释有勇气赎金之意)。 罗伯特解释说他的绰号“Rpattz”听起来像一种抗酸剂或者别的东西。“我讨厌我的名字,我讨厌别人提及我的名字。”他说:“我希望人们可以创造一些新名字,比如Spunk,我希望我的名字是“Ransom Spunk” 或者 “Spunk Ransom”。 2、罗伯特-帕丁森在《暮色》制作特辑中怎么形容自己扮演的爱德华呢? 答案:超人白痴。 罗伯特-帕丁森谈到自己扮演的爱德华用脚接住贝拉(克里斯汀-斯图尔特饰演)掉下的苹果这场戏时说:“如果人们看到的话肯定会歇斯底里的,他就像个超人白痴类一样,总是涂着口红,做着一些很马戏团的行为。”这当然是罗伯特-帕丁森自谦的说法。 3、扮演《哈利波特与火焰杯》中的塞德里克时必须学会什么技能? 答案:潜水。 为了演好塞德里克,罗伯特不得不去学游泳,因为该角色在片中有很多高难度的水下场面。 4、在他的新电影《少许灰烬》(Little Ashes)中,罗伯特饰演艺术家达利,在电影中他爱上了谁? 答案:一个诗人。 在《少许灰烬》中,罗伯特-帕丁森扮演西班牙超现实主义画家萨尔瓦多-达利,他爱上了诗人费德里科-加西亚-洛尔卡。 5、他曾参与一部电影的拍摄,但出演的镜头最终都被剪辑掉了,这部电影是什么? 答案:《名利场》。 在这部2004年出品的电影中,罗伯特扮演了Becky Sharp(瑞茜-威瑟斯彭饰演)的儿子,这个角色在原定片尾时出场很短的时间,但最终上映时,我们在电影院里却看不到罗伯特的身影,因为罗伯特出演的部分被无情地减掉了,我们只能在后来发行的DVD中看到这些场景。 6、除了演员,罗伯特-帕丁森还从事过什么职业? 答案:模特 伦敦出生的罗伯特在巴恩斯剧团开始的表演生涯,他在参演《苔丝》的时候也获得了一名经纪人的关注。罗伯特也开始做了一些模特工作,比如为一个服装店做代言等。 7、罗伯特曾一度想放弃表演,专心做音乐,直到他出演了一部电影改变了他的想法,这部电影是? 答案:《How To Be》 是这部独立电影让罗伯特改变了主意,也多亏了这部电影,才让我们能看到罗伯特版的爱德华。
全名:Robert Thomas Pattinson 昵称:Rob 生日:1986.5.13 出生地:英国伦敦 身高:1.85 m 作品: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher ... aka Nibelungen, Die (Germany) ... aka The Sword of Xanten (UK: theatrical title) Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy Date of birth (location) 13 May 1986 London, England, UK Actor - filmography Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher ... aka Nibelungen, Die (Germany) ... aka The Sword of Xanten (UK: theatrical title) Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy Filmography as: Actor, Himself Himself - filmography Harry Potter: Behind the Magic (2005) (TV) .... Himself -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message Boards Discuss this person with other users on IMDb message board for Robert Pattinson Recent Posts (updated daily) User This Or That Game Marilee11 OT: Something I have to say... Marilee11 Se.xier? Stanislav(Viktor Krum)or Robert(cedric diggory) elfin_little_angel Yummy Photos! Marilee11 Work? hihi1310pinky HE LIKES EMMA WATSON!!!! lucybird35 (more) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find where Robert Pattinson is credited alongside another name Robert Pattinson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email this page to a friend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update information: You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers. They will be examined and if approved will be included in a future update. Clicking the button on the left will take you through a step-by-step process. Robert Pattinson Memorabilia Books| All Products Biography for Robert Pattinson Birth name Robert Thomas Pattinson Nickname Rob -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Height 6' 1 (1.85 m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mini biography Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in London, England. He was a highly skilled sportsman as he grew up and took part in sport games such as football, skiing, and snowboarding. He also enjoyed music and was an excellent musician; playing the guitar and keyboard. When Robert was 15, he started acting in plays. Then he joined the Barnes Theatre Company and had roles of 'Macbeth' and 'Anything Goes and Tess of the D'Urbevilles.' After, he took screen role like Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV)(Kingdom of Twilight) as Giselher and Vanity Fair (2004) as Rawdy Crawley. In 2003, Robert took on the role of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) as Cedric Diggory and was the first person seen for the role of Cedric Diggory. He got his role a week later after meeting Mike Newell in late 2003. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMDb mini-biography by Janel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trivia Is an excellent musician playing guitar and keyboards. Is a highly skilled sportsman, taking part in everything from football and athletics to skiing and snowboarding. Shares a birthday with fellow Harry Potter star Zoë Wanamaker. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal quotes Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel. Where are they now (June 2004) Filming “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005).
红酋长的赎金 英文原文
Written by O. Henry
Now, the VOA Special English program, AMERICAN STORIES.
We present the short story "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story.
It looked like a good thing. But wait till I tell you. We were down south, in Alabama – Bill Driscoll and myself – when this kidnapping idea struck us. There was a town down there, as flat as a pancake, and called Summit. Bill and I had about six hundred dollars. We needed just two thousand dollars more for an illegal land deal in Illinois.
We chose for our victim -- the only child of an influential citizen named Ebenezer Dorset. He was a boy of ten, with red hair. Bill and I thought that Ebenezer would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to get his boy back. But wait till I tell you.
About two miles from Summit was a little mountain, covered with cedar trees. There was an opening on the back of the mountain. We stored our supplies in that cave.
One night, we drove a horse and carriage past old Dorset's house. The boy was in the street, throwing rocks at a cat on the opposite fence.
"Hey little boy!" says Bill, "would you like to have a bag of candy and a nice ride?"
The boy hits Bill directly in the eye with a piece of rock.
That boy put up a fight like a wild animal. But, at last, we got him down in the bottom of the carriage and drove away.
We took him up to the cave. The boy had two large bird feathers stuck in his hair. He points a stick at me and says:
"Ha! Paleface, do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief, the terror of the plains?"
"He's all right now," says Bill, rolling up his pants and examining wounds on his legs. "We're playing Indian. I'm Old Hank, the trapper, Red Chief's captive. I'm going to be scalped at daybreak. By Geronimo! That kid can kick hard."
"Red Chief," says I to the boy, "would you like to go home?"
"Aw, what for?" says he. "I don't have any fun at home. I hate to go to school. I like to camp out. You won't take me back home again, will you?"
"Not right away," says I. "We'll stay here in the cave a while."
"All right!" says he. "That'll be fine. I never had such fun in all my life."
We went to bed about eleven o'clock. Just at daybreak, I was awakened by a series of terrible screams from Bill. Red Chief was sitting on Bill's chest, with one hand holding his hair. In the other, he had a sharp knife. He was attempting to cut off the top of Bill's head, based on what he had declared the night before.
I got the knife away from the boy. But, after that event, Bill's spirit was broken. He lay down, but he never closed an eye again in sleep as long as that boy was with us.
"Do you think anybody will pay out money to get a little imp like that back home?" Bill asked.
"Sure," I said. "A boy like that is just the kind that parents love. Now, you and the Chief get up and make something to eat, while I go up on the top of this mountain and look around."
I climbed to the top of the mountain. Over toward Summit, I expected to see the men of the village searching the countryside. But all was peaceful.
"Perhaps," says I to myself, "it has not yet been discovered that the wolves have taken the lamb from the fold." I went back down the mountain.
When I got to the cave, I found Bill backed up against the side of it. He was breathing hard, with the boy threatening to strike him with a rock.
"He put a red-hot potato down my back," explained Bill, "and then crushed it with his foot. I hit his ears. Have you got a gun with you, Sam?"
I took the rock away from the boy and ended the argument.
"I'll fix you," says the boy to Bill. "No man ever yet struck the Red Chief but what he got paid for it. You better be careful!"
After eating, the boy takes a leather object with strings tied around it from his clothes and goes outside the cave unwinding it. Then we heard a kind of shout. It was Red Chief holding a sling in one hand. He moved it faster and faster around his head.
Just then I heard a heavy sound and a deep breath from Bill. A rock the size of an egg had hit him just behind his left ear. Bill fell in the fire across the frying pan of hot water for washing the dishes. I pulled him out and poured cold water on his head for half an hour.
Then I went out and caught that boy and shook him.
"If your behavior doesn't improve," says I, "I'll take you straight home. Now, are you going to be good, or not?"
"I was only funning," says he. "I didn't mean to hurt Old Hank. But what did he hit me for? I'll behave if you don't send me home."
I thought it best to send a letter to old man Dorset that day, demanding the ransom and telling how it should be paid. The letter said:
"We have your boy hidden in a place far from Summit. We demand fifteen hundred dollars for his return; the money to be left at midnight tonight at the same place and in the same box as your answer.
If you agree to these terms, send the answer in writing by a messenger tonight at half past eight o'clock. After crossing Owl Creek, on the road to Poplar Cove, there are three large trees. At the bottom of the fence, opposite the third tree, will be a small box. The messenger will place the answer in this box and return immediately to Summit. If you fail to agree to our demand, you will never see your boy again. If you pay the money as demanded, he will be returned to you safe and well within three hours."
I took the letter and walked over to Poplar Cove. I then sat around the post office and store. An old man there says he hears Summit is all worried because of Ebenezer Dorset's boy having been lost or stolen. That was all I wanted to know. I mailed my letter and left. The postmaster said the mail carrier would come by in an hour to take the mail on to Summit.
At half past eight, I was up in the third tree, waiting for the messenger to arrive. Exactly on time, a half-grown boy rides up the road on a bicycle. He finds the box at the foot of the fence. He puts a folded piece of paper into it and leaves, turning back toward Summit.
I slid down the tree, got the note and was back at the cave in a half hour. I opened the note and read it to Bill. This is what it said:
"Gentlemen: I received your letter about the ransom you ask for the return of my son. I think you are a little high in your demands. I hereby make you a counter-proposal, which I believe you will accept. You bring Johnny home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars, and I agree to take him off your hands. You had better come at night because the neighbors believe he is lost. And, I could not be responsible for what they would do to anybody they saw bringing him back. Very respectfully, Ebenezer Dorset."
"Great pirates of Penzance!" says I, "of all the nerve..." But I looked at Bill and stopped. He had the most appealing look in his eyes I ever saw on the face of a dumb or talking animal.
"Sam," says he, "what's two hundred and fifty dollars, after all? We've got the money. One more night of this boy will drive me crazy. I think Mister Dorset is making us a good offer. You aren't going to let the chance go, are you?"
"Tell you the truth, Bill," says I, "this little lamb has got on my nerves, too. We'll take him home, pay the ransom and make our get-away."
We took him home that night. We got him to go by telling him that his father had bought him a gun and we were going to hunt bears the next day.
It was twelve o'clock when we knocked on Ebenezer's front door. Bill counted out two hundred and fifty dollars into Dorset's hand.
When the boy learned we were planning to leave him at home, he started to cry loudly and held himself as tight as he could to Bill's leg. His father pulled him away slowly.
"How long can you hold him?" asks Bill.
"I'm not as strong as I used to be," says old Dorset, "but I think I can promise you ten minutes."
"Enough," says Bill. "In ten minutes, I shall cross the Central, Southern and Middle Western states, and be running for the Canadian border."
And, as dark as it was, and as fat as Bill was, and as good a runner as I am, he was a good mile and a half out of Summit before I could catch up with him.
You have heard the American Story "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry. Your storyteller was Shep O'Neal. This story was adapted into Special English by Shelley Gollust. It was produced by Lawan Davis. Listen again next week for another American Story in VOA Special English. I'm Faith Lapidus.
Life in Somalia's pirate town
Whenever word comes out that pirates have taken yet another ship in the Somali region of Puntland, extraordinary things start to happen.
Pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia have been surging
There is a great rush to the port of Eyl, where most of the hijacked vessels are kept by the well-armed pirate gangs.
People put on ties and smart clothes. They arrive in land cruisers with their laptops, one saying he is the pirates' accountant, another that he is their chief negotiator.
With yet more foreign vessels seized off the coast of Somalia this week, it could be said that hijackings in the region have become epidemic.
Insurance premiums for ships sailing through the busy Gulf of Aden have increased tenfold over the past year because of the pirates, most of whom come from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland.
In Eyl, there is a lot of money to be made, and everybody is anxious for a cut.
Entire industry
The going rate for ransom payments is between $300,000 and $1.5m (£168,000-£838,000).
A recent visitor to the town explained how, even though the number of pirates who actually take part in a hijacking is relatively small, the whole modern industry of piracy involves many more people.
"The number of people who make the first attack is small, normally from seven to 10," he said.
"They go out in powerful speedboats armed with heavy weapons. But once they seize the ship, about 50 pirates stay on board the vessel. And about 50 more wait on shore in case anything goes wrong."
Given all the other people involved in the piracy industry, including those who feed the hostages, it has become a mainstay of the Puntland economy.
Eyl has become a town tailor-made for pirates - and their hostages.
Special restaurants have even been set up to prepare food for the crews of the hijacked ships.
As the pirates want ransom payments, they try to look after their hostages.
When commandos from France freed two French sailors seized by pirates off the Somali coast in September, President Nicolas Sarkozy said he had given the go-ahead for the operation when it was clear the pirates were headed for Eyl - it would have been too dangerous to try to free them from there.
The town is a safe-haven where very little is done to stop the pirates - leading to the suggestion that some, at least, in the Puntland administration and beyond have links with them.
Many of them come from the same clan - the Majarteen clan of the president of Somalia's transitional federal government, Abdullahi Yusuf.
Money to spend
The coastal region of Puntland is booming.
Fancy houses are being built, expensive cars are being bought - all of this in a country that has not had a functioning central government for nearly 20 years.
Observers say pirates made about $30m from ransom payments last year - far more than the annual budget of Puntland, which is about $20m.
A Canadian navy ship escorted a recent delivery of food aid to Somalia
When the president of Puntland, Adde Musa, was asked about the reported wealth of pirates and their associates, he said: "It's more than true".
Now that they are making so much money, these 21st Century pirates can afford increasingly sophisticated weapons and speedboats.
This means that unless more is done to stop them, they will continue to plunder the busy shipping lanes through the Gulf of Aden.
They even target ships carrying aid to feed their compatriots - up to a third of the population.
Warships from France, Canada and Malaysia, among others, now patrol the Somali coast to try and fend off pirate attacks.
An official at the International Maritime Organisation explained how the well-armed pirates are becoming increasingly bold.
More than 30% of the world's oil is transported through the Gulf of Aden.
"It is only a matter of time before something horrible happens," said the official.
"If the pirates strike a hole in the tanker, and there's an oil spill, there could be a huge environmental disaster".
It is likely that piracy will continue to be a problem off the coast of Somalia as long as the violence and chaos continues on land.
Conflict can be very good for certain types of business, and piracy is certainly one of them.
Weapons are easy to obtain and there is no functioning authority to stop them, either on land or at sea.
回答者: notearsforever - 经理 四级 4-27 20:15
Life in Somalia's pirate town
Whenever word comes out that pirates have taken yet another ship in the Somali region of Puntland, extraordinary things start to happen.
Pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia have been surging
There is a great rush to the port of Eyl, where most of the hijacked vessels are kept by the well-armed pirate gangs.
People put on ties and smart clothes. They arrive in land cruisers with their laptops, one saying he is the pirates' accountant, another that he is their chief negotiator.
With yet more foreign vessels seized off the coast of Somalia this week, it could be said that hijackings in the region have become epidemic.
Insurance premiums for ships sailing through the busy Gulf of Aden have increased tenfold over the past year because of the pirates, most of whom come from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland.
In Eyl, there is a lot of money to be made, and everybody is anxious for a cut.
Entire industry
The going rate for ransom payments is between $300,000 and $1.5m (£168,000-£838,000).
A recent visitor to the town explained how, even though the number of pirates who actually take part in a hijacking is relatively small, the whole modern industry of piracy involves many more people.
"The number of people who make the first attack is small, normally from seven to 10," he said.
"They go out in powerful speedboats armed with heavy weapons. But once they seize the ship, about 50 pirates stay on board the vessel. And about 50 more wait on shore in case anything goes wrong."
Given all the other people involved in the piracy industry, including those who feed the hostages, it has become a mainstay of the Puntland economy.
Eyl has become a town tailor-made for pirates - and their hostages.
Special restaurants have even been set up to prepare food for the crews of the hijacked ships.
As the pirates want ransom payments, they try to look after their hostages.
When commandos from France freed two French sailors seized by pirates off the Somali coast in September, President Nicolas Sarkozy said he had given the go-ahead for the operation when it was clear the pirates were headed for Eyl - it would have been too dangerous to try to free them from there.
The town is a safe-haven where very little is done to stop the pirates - leading to the suggestion that some, at least, in the Puntland administration and beyond have links with them.
Many of them come from the same clan - the Majarteen clan of the president of Somalia's transitional federal government, Abdullahi Yusuf.
Money to spend
The coastal region of Puntland is booming.
Fancy houses are being built, expensive cars are being bought - all of this in a country that has not had a functioning central government for nearly 20 years.
Observers say pirates made about $30m from ransom payments last year - far more than the annual budget of Puntland, which is about $20m.
A Canadian navy ship escorted a recent delivery of food aid to Somalia
When the president of Puntland, Adde Musa, was asked about the reported wealth of pirates and their associates, he said: "It's more than true".
Now that they are making so much money, these 21st Century pirates can afford increasingly sophisticated weapons and speedboats.
This means that unless more is done to stop them, they will continue to plunder the busy shipping lanes through the Gulf of Aden.
They even target ships carrying aid to feed their compatriots - up to a third of the population.
Warships from France, Canada and Malaysia, among others, now patrol the Somali coast to try and fend off pirate attacks.
An official at the International Maritime Organisation explained how the well-armed pirates are becoming increasingly bold.
More than 30% of the world's oil is transported through the Gulf of Aden.
"It is only a matter of time before something horrible happens," said the official.
"If the pirates strike a hole in the tanker, and there's an oil spill, there could be a huge environmental disaster".
It is likely that piracy will continue to be a problem off the coast of Somalia as long as the violence and chaos continues on land.
Conflict can be very good for certain types of business, and piracy is certainly one of them
Portrait of a Lady
Henry James
Isabel Archer is an American young woman brought to Europe by her aunt, Mrs. Touchette. She meets her uncle, Mr. Touchette, and cousin, Ralph, and lives with the Touchette family in their home at Gardencourt.
As she stays with the Touchettes, a neighbor, Lord Warburton, falls in love with her and proposes. She turns him down. Her friend from America, Henrietta Stackpole, also comes to England and spends some time with Isabel. Henrietta is more outspoken and opinionated than Isabel and tries to guide her friend before she leaves Isabel at Gardencourt. Ralph Touchette stands back and watches all of them with a bit of cynicism.
Mrs. Touchette is planning to take Isabel to her residence in Europe. First she must stay in England while family matters conclude. While Ralph and his parents are tied up, another visitor comes to Gardencourt. Madame Merle is the most fascinating person Isabel has ever met. She seems to be her own person and very accomplished.
This synopsis barely gets the story started. Isabel comes into a great deal of money and is now independent. She goes to Europe with Mrs. Touchette and meets yet another suitor, Gilbert Osmond, and his daughter, Pansy. Lord Warburton meets her in Rome. An American suitor comes over to see her in Europe. Isabel makes choices that affect the rest of her life, and then has to deal with the consequences.
The Portrait of a Lady is a classic, first published in England in 1881 and in the United States in 1901. James takes us through Isabel's life, never apologizing for her actions. James also is not known for happy endings. Unfortunately, he also is known for being wordy. I found him very wordy. And boring by the middle of the book. By the time Isabel was is Florence and meeting Gilbert Osmond I was tired of reading the droning paragraphs. I liked his characters' interactions and development. But those were not enough to keep me awake. Too often I found this book to be a good sleeping tool. While there are others who agree with me, this book is still considered a masterpiece. Many a student will have to study it in school. Thank goodness for those people with my temperament there are Cliff notes. - But read on -
10/27/2000 This review is by Pat
The simple story here is of a brilliant, sensitive young woman who is given a fortune by a cousin's intervention with the goal of helping her find her destiny. The story is beautifully designed to lead inexorably to a tragic ending, affirming at the same time an unbreakable adherence to moral codes between individuals, and only incidentally the product of church or state.
The plot is developed solely upon the heroine's character. All others are tools of her fulfillment or destruction. Her lofty intellect, in the end, gives her an awareness of the inevitable conclusion to her own decisions and the need to accept them, and to hopefully await a better situation. All the characters are deeply drawn and faulted, and even the heroine has the self esteem to warn her of the trap that has been set against her.
There are slow spots, as in any 700 page novel, but I am greatly looking forward to my book club discussion of this next month. It will be followed by high tea at the Ritz Carlton. A month later this discussion will lead to luncheon and a movie excursion to see the perfect Nicole Kidman in the role of Isabel Archer. There is a great deal of wonderful information on line to enhance understanding and enrich pleasure. It is, in spite of its length, a book to read at least once again. It is not dirtied by frog princes. If you require this, I recommend Hans Christian Anderson!
Robert Louis Stevenson
David Balfour's father, a poor cleric in a small village, has died. His mother has since died, so David is now alone in the world. Mr. Campbell, the local minister, gives David a message from his father to a mysterious "Ebenezer Shaw." That is when David discovers he has unknown relatives.
When David finally arrives at the Shaw "mansion" he is appalled. By now he has learned it has an unsavory reputation and the owner is hated by all the neighbors. Despite this, David approaches the dark, partially finished house. His uncle Ebenezer reluctantly welcomes David. After a short time, David realizes there are secrets being kept. Was David's father the true elder brother? Should David himself be the owner of the Shaw money and lands rather than his Uncle?
Before he can discover the truth, he accompanies his uncle on a business trip to the wharf. They visit one of the ships Ebenezer Shaw deals with. David is coshed on the head and wakes up in the hold, the ship under way. He is on his way to the American colonies to work on the Carolina plantations. At first he is held prisoner; later he is able to work on the ship and have more freedom.
David's adventures are only beginning. As the ship is sailing north around Scotland, they strike another boat and rescue the survivor. This survivor has secrets, connections, and money. Quickly David finds himself aligned with this man against the sailors. From there he encounters hardships, travails, and excitement he could not have imagined before he left his father's home.
This is a children's to young adult classic. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote wonderful yarns that were popular well beyond his lifetime and death over 100 years ago. Kidnapped is all right, not great. I never felt real involved with David nor cared overly much what happened to him until very near the end. Yet his sufferings while shipwrecked and on the run were well depicted. I could feel the parched throat and aching feet. While it's not Stevenson's best, this book still stands the test of time.
another version:
The Untold Story of International Kidnapping.
By Ann Hagedorn Auerbach.
481 pp. New York:
Henry Holt Company. $25.
he cold war had its blessings. One was that an American tourist or businessman wasn't so likely to be kidnapped in the so-called third world; guerrillas were too busy knocking over banks or blowing up local police stations. But in today's no-boundaries, mountain-climbing, eco-traveling, adventure-stretching world, tourists and profit-seeking foreign businessmen have become food for the fish that used to swim among the people. In places like Cambodia, Yemen, the Philippines, Kashmir, Mexico and especially Colombia, where kidnappers are as common as bodyguards, foreigners might as well wear dollar figures on their Banana Republics. Ransom demands start in the millions, and, as protection rackets go, business is good.
So Ann Hagedorn Auerbach reports, in what might have been an exciting foray into this shadowy world but instead dissolves into a moralistic tale relying principally on secondhand sources and the pronouncements of government spokesmen. Auerbach, the author of ''Wild Ride: The Rise and Tragic Fall of Calumet Farm, Inc.,'' lends her considerable compassion to the kidnapping targets and their families, who well deserve it for the cruel suffering they must endure. But this leads her to sacrifice a journalistic detachment that might have more effectively served her subject. Let the victims write their own stories.
Still, she's onto something. As she reports in ''Ransom,'' worldwide kidnappings have soared from a total of 951 in 73 countries between 1968 and 1982 to 6,500 in Latin America alone in 1995. By 1996 there were four kidnappings a day in Colombia, the Fort Knox of ransom proceeds, with $328.9 million forked over by corporations and families from 1991 through 1994.
Why the upsurge? For one, there are more targets available, including a record 3.27 million Americans living abroad. Foreign travel has increased yearly by 10 percent, Auerbach notes, to over 50 million travelers in 1995, with many drawn to such ever more remote and exotic offerings as rain forests and tours of stone-age tribes in situ. How wonderfully exciting, but also dangerously provocative, considering that the income gap between tourists and locals tripled between 1960 and 1993.
Auerbach's story begins grippingly enough in the early morning of Aug. 13, 1995, when peasant women in Indian-occupied Kashmir discover a headless torso on the side of the road. It turns out to be that of Hans Christian Ostro, a Norwegian tourist kidnapped two months earlier, along with two Americans, two ''Brits'' (as Auerbach annoyingly calls them) and a German who had gone mountaineering in the high foothills of the Himalayas. The initials of Al Faran, a Pakistani-backed Muslim separatist group, had been carved in his chest. One of the Americans, a Connecticut businessman, John Childs, escaped after five days; the fates of the rest remain unknown.
This tortuous tale, with its three years of heartbreaking waiting, interagency wrangling, dedicated bureaucrats, colorful private operatives, aborted rescues and bitter Pakistani-Indian rivalries, would have been plenty enough for a thrilling -- and sobering -- book. Instead, the scope of ''Ransom'' is expanded to other kidnappings, the purpose of which appears to be to roll out portraits of steely-eyed ex-C.I.A. and British operatives who people the ranks of private kidnap negotiators. As it is, Auerbach loses traction on her story every time she cuts away for excursions to kidnappings in other countries or, worse, dreary expositions on the history of kidnapping. She also fails to develop tantalizing tidbits about the activities of a United States Delta Force team sent to Kashmir, or the ability of American spy satellites to fix the kidnappers' location by tracking their radiotelephone calls. Granted, such secrets are hard to crack, as are the behind-the-scenes negotiations carried out by government agents or shadowy businesses like Control Risks Group, the London-based concern often called on to secure someone's release. But that is the real story of a ransom, and it's the one we want to read.