- 1、介绍烟台后七夼,也就是离台湾村较近,有没有价位在一百五左右的宾馆的标准间
- 2、请求帮助翻译
- 3、烟台财会培训中心到东方海天酒店怎么走
- 4、烟台市蓬莱八仙居宾馆(蓬莱财会之家)怎么样?有什么好玩的地方?
- 5、烟台市哪家饭店有能容纳二十人的大桌
没有吧烟台财会培训中心酒店!烟台财会培训中心酒店!!其实亲没有必要非要住在海边啊!! 你可以选择其烟台财会培训中心酒店他价格低一点烟台财会培训中心酒店的宾馆 再坐车到海边就是了!!
Changyu Wine Culture Museum is located in Yantai Changyu Pioneer Road ZHIFU site of the company, in 1992, Zhangyu in Daqing on the eve of a century, the building of 4,500,000 yuan of investment Changyu Wine Culture Museum, and in September 1992 opening to the outside world. In 2000, Changyu's old site on the basis of 111 years ago along the lines set up factories in the early style of the building, according to the design of Tsinghua University, alteration, expansion of the Changyu Wine Culture Museum, in September 8, 2002 -- Zhangyu Company in Daqing 110 "international wine grapes • Forum" at the opening ceremony, the International Council of wine grapes • Honorary Secretary Robert • Mr. Ding Luote Zhangyu Group and Mr. Sun Liqiang, chairman of the joint to open the door to the new museum, Changyu Pioneer Wine Heritage Museum was formally opened.
Yantai Tashan Scenic Area is located in Yantai City ---- ZHIFU southeast of the embrace of Tashan. Tashan its early years has a peak named after the pagoda, which carry Daishan East, the West led Nanshan, as a natural green barrier will be taken care of urban downtown arms. Sa beautiful natural scenery, has a strong religious, cultural customs, plus close to the urban areas, accessibility, the development of the tourism industry has a unique advantage. In 1993, the group began to invest in the construction of Tashan Tashan Scenic Area, a project was completed and opened to. In 1999, another self-financing to carry out the second phase expansion project, has now become a scenery-view, sports entertainment and religious activities as one of the large-scale integrated tourist areas.
Yantai Xinhua Bookstore
Yantai Binhai International Hotel (formerly Holiday Inn Binhai Yantai)
• at the beach, the sea on three sides, while Hill Hotel located in the downtown area, in August 1998 opened in June 2005 partial renovation, the 25-storey, 296 rooms have a CD-S are between 28 square meters .
Yantai Oriental Hotel, Marina House,
Yantai accounting training center hotel opening time on November 18, 2003, the 4-storey, a total of 219 sets of the total number of rooms, the area between 25 square meters standard.
Clear Water, Yantai Building
Located in the middle of South Main Street, a commercial center, convenient hotel is located in the middle of South Main Street, opened in 1996, the 13-storey, a total of 126 sets of rooms, common standards for the area between 25 square meters
蓬莱八仙居宾馆蓬莱财会之家始建于1988年,座落在闻名中外的蓬莱阁和八仙过海景区之间,与海上仙山长岛县隔海相望。占地60多亩,建筑面积16000,是蓬莱首家三星级旅游饭店, 是蓬莱市一家“中央国家机关出差和会议定点饭店”,是蓬莱市委市政府山东省财政厅定点接待单位。宾馆以花园别墅式的建筑风格为主,环境幽雅,空气清新:举目可赏“凌空仙阁”,抬足可至“海滨浴场”,依窗可领略“碧海风情”,夜静可“枕波听涛”欣然入梦。它更是观赏 “海市蜃楼”天下奇观的绝佳之处。宾馆内设海景总统套房商务套房标准间等共150间套300多个床位,中央空调,24小时热水,每个房间均免费宽带上网。宾馆内拥有高档餐室18处,可容纳200多人同时就餐的宴会厅特色厅零点厅各1处;休闲康乐设施齐备:有歌舞厅桑拿洗浴中心封闭式酒吧多功能厅健身房美容美发厅医务室等现代化的设施。可容纳20200人配有较先进视听器材以及快速准确的文字图片信息处理系统的大中小会议室5处。宾馆自89年开业以来,成功地接待了许多各界知名人士,圆满完成了八届前来参加“和平颂”国际青少年艺术盛典的多国大使中外记者歌舞团明星贵宾的接待任务,承接了众多国内外旅游团队及省内外各种会议,赢得了海内外各界人士的广泛赞誉。宾馆先后被授予“全国绿色餐饮企业”“山东较具竞争力旅游星级饭店”“山东省消费者满意单位”“山东省级花园式单位”,“烟台市十佳星级饭店”, “烟台市食品卫生信得过单位”和“烟台市收费信得过单位”等荣誉称号。仙之魂神之韵涛之声海之梦蓬莱八仙居宾馆,是旅居度假的理想下塌之所。宾馆开业时间1988年01月,新近装修时间2009年05月, 局部装修:,主楼高3层,客房总数125间套。